How To Create An ERC20 Token on CoinTrunk Smart Chain (10 Minutes Guidance)

5 Easy Step Generating Token Ethereum ERC20 Standard

Step 1: Decide What You Want Your Token To Be

In order to create an ERC20 token, you need the following:

  • The Token’s Name
  • The Token’s Symbol
  • The Token’s Decimal Places

For example:

  • Name: Abcde Token
  • Symbol: ABCT
  • Decimal: 6
  • Supply: 100000000000 (no special character) Note: inserted in the column is Total Supply + Decimal = 100.000.000000

Decimals is how many decimal places your token can have, which determines how divisible it is. In general, tokens have 18 decimals, which allows 1 token to be divided into trillions of pieces, e.g.: with 18 decimals you could have as little as 0.000000000000000001 of a token

When creating a token, you will need to be aware of what decimal places you would like and how it fits into the larger picture of your project.

Step 2: Set Up Metamask Wallet On Browser Web 3.0 Support

Must use Laptop or PC, recommended browser support Web 3.0, i.e.: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc. then download MetaMask wallet auto-linked to the web browser. They have an easy-to-use interface for set up this.

Once you’ve installed MetaMask, make sure first Create & secure the wallet by record the Private Key or Seed Phrase in safety, then ‘HOW TO ADD CTNFT NETWORK’:

  • Open/Click Metamask Menu
  • Select SETTING then NETWORKS sub menu
  • Push ‘ADD NETWORK’ button, then choose CUSTOM NETWORKS
  • Inserted data below :
    - Network Name : Cointrunk Network
    - RPC Url :
    - Chain ID : 177.
    - Currency Symbol : CTNFT
    - Block Explorer URL :

Then, push ‘ADD’ button to add the network. CTNFT will be listed on Metamask Wallet soon. Then after, must be available or could top up few amount of CTNFT to the wallet balance for Generating Token Gas Fee. It consumes CTNFT 0.003 creation gas fee.

Then, we’re going to deploy the Contract Address to see if it works. It sucks to deploy a contract to the MainNet, pay for it, and then watch it if it fails.

You may have done that while creating your own token, so… heed the warning.

Step 3: Generating Token CTRC20

Insert the Token Data wanted on the each availability column, i.e.: Name, Symbol, Decimals, & Total Supply. Make sure all the data completely confirmed before SUBMIT the button!

You will be re-directed to Metamask wallet to confirm for consuming CTNFT as generating gas fee.

CONFIRM the transaction, then wait for the Contract Deployment Address generated. Then keep the address recorded or you may COPY/PASTE the address on Explorer SEARCH column.

If nothing happens, hit F12 or copy the HASH No. It can be checked on the CTNFT explorer by COPY/PASTE the hash on the search column:

Step 4: Adding The Deployment Contract Address To Metamask

Here, the source code is a Deployment Contract Address that you can essentially "Copy/Paste" to list your ERC20 token on ASSETS Tab Metamask Wallet after successful deployment & wait till Total Supply amount auto-credited!

Step 5: Making 1st Transaction To List Token On CoinTrunk SmartChain

Must download & install CTNFT Android Apps Wallet, before doing 1st transaction which can be downloaded from Playstore or

SEND some amount Token to the Android wallet till successful transaction less 10 second, then check your token already listed on CoinTrunk Smart Chain Token List,


Each transaction made, make sure CTNFT Balance must be always available for Gas Fee!

After all, your token is ready to be used, developed or listed on the market for your cloud business propose.


Above, are the steps to create a CoinTrunk CTRC20 Token, known Ethereum ERC20 Standard. Nowadays, Ethereum ERC Token is the tokenization most talk of the planet. Many of Business People are Creating a Crypto Token on CoinTrunk Smart Chain Network & enhancing their Cloud-Supported Business.

So, Create Your Own Token for 10 minutes.


Created & prepared by #CoinTrunkPublishing team.